Visiting a place you've never been can be an awkward experience. We don't want your first visit to St. John's to be weird. Here's a few things you can expect when you attend a worship service.
Come On In.
We’re glad to see anyone join us. We don't have a dress code—you’ll see everything from suits to shorts. No matter who you are, where you’re from, or what you’ve been through…we’re thankful for everyone who comes in.
Worship that connects.
Songs, Bible readings, prayers, and an order of service that connect a family of believers through Christ-centered worship.

A message that goes from head to heart.
Every Sunday our pastor talks us through the difference God’s love and wisdom make in our not-so-perfect lives. We learn more about ourselves, our God, his Bible, and his promises to us.
There's a place for your kids.
Bring your kids! We love welcoming families to worship together. We don’t expect every child to sit still or be quiet as a whisper throughout the service. Jesus invites and loves all children, and so do we.